- Immigration policies and victims home corner -
This page is intended as a gate to various websites designed to demonstrate the point out the legislations applicable to immigrants, highlight and document their cruelty, inefficiency and inconsistency (not to say borderline legal basis sometimes), with a view to support a strategy for amendments.

This strategy consists of 3 separate but complimentary approaches :

1 - Support foreigners detained in prisons for "illegals"

- Provide legal support and interface with their lawyers
- Liaise with home country NGOs and contacts to help collect documents required in asylum requests
- Visit detainees in detention centers to break isolation of the victims and provide material help
- Monitor detention centers and systematically document and report abuses
- Generate statistics to verify official data and keep a record of unpublished or unavailable data
- Publish and circulate deportation alerts while encouraging a growing support in the public to oppose deportation
- Maintain database tools with academic standards

2 - Analyse domestic situations in the main emigration countries to oppose national bodies in charge of ruling which are safe and which are not

3 - Follow up on the foreigner back in their home country after deportation to make sure they are safe and keep a record of the aftermaths of the deportation decision, with a view to lodge complaints if need be
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Committed people directory
Who can help you ?
How can you help ?
Illegals in Belgium : deportation & detention blog
Illegals in Belgium : deportation & detention blog
Les Carnets Noirs des Centres Fermés
Emigration countries NGOs directory
Detainees visited in detention centers
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